Type Destelbergen 9538
Current number 9 538
Original number 19544
Year of construction 1953
Constructor of NMVB workshops in Destelbergen
Series 19539 - 19548
Type Trailer carriage on bogies type Destelbergen with metal carriage body
Brake system original Pieper brake, Westinghouse air brake from 1958 and handbrake (parking brake)
Length - height - width 13.36 m / ? m / 2.32 m
Weight 11.3 T
Number of seats 40
Number of pitches 48
Built in 1953 as a trailer for the Buurttram lines in the Ghent region. Remained in service there until the carriage was moved to the Kortrijk region in 1957 to perform service there. Less than a year later in 1958 transferred to the Coast. There the braking system was modified and the carriage was put into service on the Coastal Tram line. In 1976 renumbered to 9 538. The carriage underwent a modernisation of the interior in 1977/78 and was then used until the end of August 1982. Reserved as a museum carriage from 1982.
In 1985 repainted and technically checked by the technical services of "De Lijn" in Ostend (then still NMVB). Since 2013 under restoration at TTO-Noordzee vzw in the version of 1982.