Type Destelbergen 19537
Current number 19537
Original number 19537
Year of construction 1952
Constructor of NMVB workshops in Destelbergen
Series 19533 - 19538
Type Trailer carriage on bogies type Destelbergen with wooden carriage body
Brake system original Pieper brake, Westinghouse air brake from 1959 and handbrake (parking brake)
Length - height - width 13.36 m / ? m / 2.32 m
Weight 11.3 T
Number of seats 40
Number of pitches 48
Built in 1952 as a trailer for the local tram lines in the Kortrijk region. Remained in service there until the carriage was moved to Ghent in 1956. Used on the local tram network in the Ghent region between 1956 and 1959. After the closure of this local tram network, the carriage was moved to the coast at the end of 1959. There, the braking system was modified and the carriage was put into service on the coastal tram line. Renumbered to 9 518 in 1976. The carriage underwent another modernisation of the interior in 1977/78 and was then used until the end of August 1982. From then on, it was reserved as a museum carriage.
Restored in 2003/2004 by a volunteer of TTO-Noordzee vzw and technical services of De Lijn from Gentbrugge as trailer carriage 19357 in the condition of 1959. For technical reasons equipped with Westinghouse air brakes. Repainted in 2018 in the version of 1952.